KC’s 23 ½ Hour Plumbing Featured for Work Disinfecting Palm Springs Pool

KC’s 23 ½ Hour Plumbing is proud to have been recognized for the work our skilled Palm Springs plumbers have put in to help a local community get their swimming pool back. The pools at the Four Seasons community, a 55+ housing tract located here in Palm Springs, have been closed for more than a month after they tested positive for legionnaire’s disease. Legionnaire’s is a severe form of pneumonia that’s both dangerous and deadly if left untreated, especially in young children or elderly individuals who have compromised immune systems.

However, thanks to some state-of-the-art water purification technology, residents will be able to enjoy their swimming pools again this August. The work our team has put in has been featured in local media, including a headline story from our local ABC affiliate, KESQ .

“It just, kind of, was something we would never think would happen here because it’s (the swimming pools) always so well maintained,” said Four Seasons resident James Laque. However, Laque and other residents are relieved that they should be getting the use of their pools back very soon.

The piece featured an in-depth interview with Casey Nelson, a senior technician on our team and one of the leaders of the disinfecting project. Nelson did an outstanding job describing the work our team has completed and the devices being used to prevent legionnaire’s bacteria from returning. KC’s 23 ½ Hour Plumbing installed a HydroFlow system that prevents the legionnaire’s bacteria from being able to settle or attach to the plumbing, thus growing and reaching dangerous levels.

“It does breed in water heaters specifically, but the biofilm is in every single person’s home that has piping in their home, so it’s potentially in every single home,” Nelson told KESQ. Legionnaire’s bacteria is one that lives and breeds in water, and is actually one of the most common types of bacteria found in water systems.

However, thanks to the HydroFlow system, the bacteria won’t be able to settle in the plumbing itself, and instead will be filtered through the system where it can be eliminated and kept at healthy levels. The device sends a pulse through the water lines constantly, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.

Nelson said he remains confident that CDC will begin preliminary testing to ensure the water is safe for swimmers as early as next week.

We’re extremely proud to be able to serve our community in this way and to help residents of this local housing complex be able to enjoy their swimming pools and beat the blistering heat of a Palm Springs summer again.

If you’re struggling with water quality, call KC’s 23 ½ Hour Plumbing today at (760) 327-8718 and discuss your options with us further!